390 research outputs found

    Chemical analysis of soluble fractions from normal and autolysed rabbit liver by column chromatography

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    Chromatography on Sephadex G-200 was performed with the soluble fraction of homogenated rabbit liver, which was extracted with 0.1 M phosphate buffer containing 0.1 M NaCl. and the influences of autolysis on the soluble fraction of liver were also examined. The soluble fraction of liver was different from serum in molecular weight, in electrophoretic character and in components with sedimentation coefficients. The soluble fraction of liver was stable under the influence of Mg and K ions, and rather unstable in the presence of Na ions. Serum was fractionated in three main peaks. The soluble fraction of liver was fractionated in a similar pattern as of serum, but the first peak contained nucleic acid and lipoprotein. The second contained albumin. 32p radioactivity peaks of the stored sample appeared with change in patterns by autolysis from the original, and were observed wide based and continuous figures in retarded peaks. The correlations with the first peak and retarded peaks were represented by the analysis of phosphorus compounds and electrophoresis. In lipid analysis, both diglyceride and monoglyceride gradually decreased, and phospholipid pattern was observed to increase in retarded peaks by autolysis. Lipoprotein or lipid-albumin complex was gradually converted to smaller molecular weight compounds, and appeared in retarded peaks.</p

    On the Experimental Evaluation of Vehicular Networks: Issues, Requirements and Methodology Applied to a Real Use Case

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    One of the most challenging fields in vehicular communications has been the experimental assessment of protocols and novel technologies. Researchers usually tend to simulate vehicular scenarios and/or partially validate new contributions in the area by using constrained testbeds and carrying out minor tests. In this line, the present work reviews the issues that pioneers in the area of vehicular communications and, in general, in telematics, have to deal with if they want to perform a good evaluation campaign by real testing. The key needs for a good experimental evaluation is the use of proper software tools for gathering testing data, post-processing and generating relevant figures of merit and, finally, properly showing the most important results. For this reason, a key contribution of this paper is the presentation of an evaluation environment called AnaVANET, which covers the previous needs. By using this tool and presenting a reference case of study, a generic testing methodology is described and applied. This way, the usage of the IPv6 protocol over a vehicle-to-vehicle routing protocol, and supporting IETF-based network mobility, is tested at the same time the main features of the AnaVANET system are presented. This work contributes in laying the foundations for a proper experimental evaluation of vehicular networks and will be useful for many researchers in the area.Comment: in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 201

    Vanhempia ei häiritse nuoren pelaaminen omassa huoneessa. -Nuorten kokemuksia vanhempien pelilukutaidosta : Opinnäytetyö

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee digitaalisten pelien pelaamista ja siihen liittyvää kotona tapahtuvaa media- ja pelikasvatusta nuorten näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana on Ehkäisevä päihdetyö EHYT ry:n Pelitaitoprojekti. Opinnäytetyön tulokset menevät Pelitaitoprojektin käyttöön. Opinnäytetyö on tutkimuksellinen ja aineisto kerättiin Apollon Yhteiskoulun yläasteen oppilailta. Oppilaat saivat kirjoittaa vapaamuotoisen esseen, jonka tueksi oli annettu avoimia kysymyksiä, koskien pelaamista ja vanhempien pelilukutaitoa. Oppilaat olivat 13 – 15-vuotiaita ja kirjallisia vastauksia he antoivat yhteensä 31 kappaletta. Opinnäytetyön tutkimus on laadullinen ja aineisto on analysoitu hyödyntäen sisällönanalyy-simenetelmää. Tulokset osoittavat, että vanhemmat olivat jokseenkin tietoisia lastensa pelaamisesta ja osassa perheistä pelaamiseen olikin laadittu pelisäännöt. Hämmentävin havainto, joka nuorten vastauksista ilmeni, oli että moni niistä vanhemmista, jotka itse pelasivat, eivät keskustelleet nuorten kanssa pelaamisen pelisäännöistä juuri ollenkaan. Nuoret kuvailivat kotona vanhempien kanssa pelaamisesta käytävää keskustelua usein negatiivisesti painottuvilla sanoilla ja yleisin puheenaihe olikin liiallinen pelaaminen. Vanhempien kanssa käydyt positiiviset keskustelut koskivat usein nuorten pelaamien digitaalisten pelien sisältöjä. Ehkäpä digitaalisesta pelaamisesta keskusteltaessa kotona, tulisi vanhempien osoittaa ylipäätään kiinnostusta lapsensa kiinnostuksen kohteeseen. Tällöin keskustelu voisi olla rakentavampaa eikä niin negatiivisesti painottunutta nuorten ja lasten mielestä.This thesis is about digital gaming and digital games education in homes by parents from the children’s perspective. The subject to this thesis was commissioned by a project (called Pelitaito in Finnish) which was run by Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (EHYT ry) and was funded by Finland´s Slot Machine Association (RAY). This study is qualitative by nature and the material was collected from students of Apollo comprehensive school in Helsinki, Finland. The students were aged between 13 – 15 and there were 31 participants. The students wrote essays and they were given open questions to help with the writing. The material was analyzed in content analysis framework. The results showed that parents were aware of their children´s digital gaming to some extent and in some families rules were made for gaming. But disturbingly many of the parents, who played digital games themselves, did not discuss digital gaming with their children. Conversations about digital gaming with parents were usually described with negative words by adolescents. Positive conversations usually were about content of the games the child was playing. Perhaps parents should show some interest in their child´s pastime activity overall. Parents could ask about who the child is gaming with and maybe discuss the themes of the game child is playing more deeply. Conversation should be more open-minded and positive by nature

    AnaVANET: an experiment and visualization tool for vehicular networks

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    International audienceThe experimental evaluation of wireless and mobile networks is a challenge that rarely substitutes simulation in research works. This statement is even more evident in vehicular communications, due to the equipment and effort needed to obtain significant and realistic results. In this paper, key issues in vehicular experimental evaluation are analyzed by an evaluation tool called AnaVANET, especially designed for assessing the performance of vehicular networks. This software processes the output of well-known testing tools such as ping or iperf, together with navigation information, to generate geo-aware performance figures of merit both in numeric and graphical forms. Its main analysis capabilities are used to validate the good performance in terms of delay, packet delivery ratio and throughput of NEMO, when using a road-side segment based on IPv6 GeoNetworking